
what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

“What sets Dave apart from other PTs I’ve worked with is his clear and obvious enthusiasm. Not only for fitness but for the overall wellbeing of the person he’s training. His level of knowledge of both the how and why is fantastic and makes every session with him valuable on multiple levels.”

Tom W

“A year ago I was lacking direction at the gym. I wanted to gain strength and stability but did not know where to start. I chose Dave to help me with a training programme. I had been very impressed with his professional but friendly and approachable attitude in classes.  As a complete novice he immediately gave me confidence in what I could achieve and gave me a clear training programme/goals to work towards. One-to-one sessions are perfectly balanced – tough but great fun. He has a wide knowledge base and is always enthusiastic and patient. Throughout lockdown he proved how flexible and adaptable he could be ensuring clients remained motivated to work at home. He was very sensitive to the difficulties people were suffering making himself available if people needed support.

I am delighted with my progress. I am now much fitter and stronger. I am really looking forward to reaching new goals with Dave’s help and expertise. I was so impressed with him that I even left my previous gym to become a client of his in his new business!”

Elaine E

“I started working with Dave in early 2020 as I wanted to find a way I could mix weight training in with BJJ. Previously, I found my body was too tired to do both. Over the past year under Dave’s instruction, my physical conditioning has vastly improved and I am confident mixing weight training with BJJ. My strength and conditioning has become a significant advantage for me on the mats. Moreover, Dave also successfully coached and prepared me for the physical aspects of the vigorous application process into the fire service. Dave has developed a robust training programme for me throughout the various lockdowns which has enabled me to stay in shape where many others could not. I would 100% recommend working with Dave as he is straightforward in his training routines whilst always explaining the science and general reasoning behind the training. He is a student of the game and is very open about his learning.”

Jake E

“I was keen to get my general fitness and strength back to a decent level, after a few years of laziness following the birth of my son. Dave and I have been friends for over a decade and, luckily for me, he had recently set up Foundations. The timing was ideal.

Working with Dave is a pleasure. He is professional, takes time to understand your needs and objectives and sets achievable goals without working you into the ground. Within 2 weeks my post-session recovery was significantly improved and over the course of 3 months I’ve hit and improved on multiple personal bests.

Dave will always take the time to explain the rationale and benefits of particular exercises. He provides constant support and encouragement as you adopt and embed them into your plan.

The real benefit for me was the personal service; 1-to-1 sessions, a great gym setup with a unique training plan designed to meet my needs and ability, but always flexible and without any feelings of pressure when trying new techniques.

I’d highly recommend Foundations PT to anyone looking for a genuinely friendly, personal and high quality service that will put you at ease and give you confidence no matter what your experience or ability may be.”

George P

Working with Dave has been one of the best decisions I made in 2020. Although we weren’t able to train face-to-face as much as I’d hoped, I was still able to make huge progress and have seen massive changes in my overall strength and how my body looks. Dave hasn’t just helped with programming, we’ve had great discussions around diet, recovery and mental health which has helped me implement much healthier practices in my overall life.

I now really enjoy lifting and look forward to my sessions with Dave every week. My understanding of S&C and how to get the most out it has vastly improved. With Dave’s help I’m hoping to become as strong as possible while building some muscle mass and seeing this transfer into my BJJ and golf.

George B

“I came to Dave having a fair idea of what my challenges were, but no idea how to remedy them. I’m hypermobile and, though I’d made some progress in the past in the things I’d chosen to do, a couple of dislocations and a lack of a plan meant my joints had become more unstable, making it hard to get back into anything I’d previously enjoyed.

When we started, he asked me what I wanted to achieve long-term and cleared a path for me to be able to see where we’d start and where we would be going. Knowing his level of interest in whatever he decides to focus on, I was pretty confident from the outset that he’d look after me, and his initial video chat with me meant I was reassured quickly that the process would be two-way. Not once has he pushed me when I’ve mentioned something feeling not quite right, even if I think it might probably be ok. I also had a back issue when I began working with him, which continued to nag me at the start, but the level of intensity was pitched so that my body relearned what was safe, and once that process kicked in, it disappeared very quickly. It was always explained to me why the sessions were structured the way they were – Dave knows what he’s doing and he enjoys putting theory into practice for people. I always need to know why I’m doing something if I’m going to maintain any kind of interest, so it really helps to have someone with me who can explain things effectively. He’s great at the details and gives me space and instruction to adjust my form until it’s where it should be, and he will always ask me to pay attention to how it feels so I can continue to tune with each repetition.

It’s been a few months now (including a period of support during the first lockdown, and I didn’t miss a session, which is highly irregular for me!) and there are differences I hadn’t expected – my shoulders would sublux daily, this has really improved, and I’m finding my hips and knees will tolerate much more than they used to. To start with I viewed the beginning of this journey as me just doing what was needed before I could really get strong, but I’ve noticed changes in my body that I wasn’t expecting yet. I think I’d begun to believe I was stuck with the levels of body function I have and that it wouldn’t improve, but it’s lovely to know that’s just not the case. I feel like I’m being supported to get much further with this than I have before, and I’m excited to see how continued training affects everything else I do.”

Nat J